Peppermoon is a band from Paris, that references to anything between Jane Birkin, Marie Laforet and a whole bunch of French poets, but in reality it’s Pierre Faa’s (aka Peter McFaa) world. The audience and singer Iris just live in it. Prismes, the third album, is just out With songs about Pierre’ stepsister (Frère et soeur), about how P. loves how Paris is empty in the summer (‘Fermeture Annuelle’) and yes, about sex. Pierre explains the song ‘Je te veux’: ‘I feel no opposition between spiritual love and sexual desire, they can have a dance together. Physical attractions are also lessons to be learnt. A passionate love is a self-discovery trip, especially when it doesn’t come easy and smooth. Wisdom may come from the most unexpected places. Why not the skin of someone you love ? It polishes your soul. ‘I want you, I want you, my plane happily flies in an iridescent saturated blue sky. I want you, I want you, you are my luxury good… and may be I even love you.” (Read more about the new songs on Peppermoon Facebook, HERE)
‘Je te veux’ may not be the poetic highlight of the new album (‘Arc-en-ciel-esque’ and the very Gainsbourgian ‘Chlorofille’ take that crown), it’s a hit. Catchy, well-sung, it tickles the right spaces ‘n places. Let’s call it a luxury good.