Anna Majidson

It all sounds sweet, tender and loving, but what is Anna Majidson really singing?

Je t’ai aimé
Mais maintenant j’ai trop mal
Tu m’as piqué le coeur
Je veux baisser les bras

It’s the end of an affair, she used to love you but she’s hurt now. But it sounds rose-coloured, lovey-dovey. And with hints of soul. I guess Axelle Red is a good reference. Anna released two albums so far, a few singles, in English and French. She sang with Moodoid. It’s mostly easy, breathy and soulful. As we like it.


So, Flore Benguigui has said goodbye to L’Imperatrice, and this Insta-post suggests that the split wasn’t that amicable. No time to mourn, ’cause the band announced a new leadsinger, Louve. We posted a few Louve-singles already on this blog, and she just released the midtempo funk 10X this week. Not unlike the slinky, husky sound of L’Imperatrice, you can see why they’re a good match. Let’s see what happens.

Cesar & Alexia

Talked about that typical French early-70s bassline (luscious, poignant) in the post below; most of the time that bass comes with a plushy, also very sexy organ. Think the Bilitis-soundtrack, think Vannier and the Melody Nelson album, think Moon Safari by Air. And think this album by Cesar Precio. It’s the moniker of Brice Lenoble, also part of the band Biche (Air’s weird cousins). On his first album as Cesar Precio, he gets help from likeminded souls (Forever Pavot, Robin Leduc) and comes up with a soundtrack for silk sheets on a sunny seductive Sunday. Even the orchestral parts feel sexy (sorry for the overuse of the word sexy).

This duet (is it a duet? She talks, he sings) with Alexia Gredy is like a lost Gainsbourgian get-together; whispery, that bass again, spacey organ. Dive in this album, because there’s way more. Interview with Cesar here.