Isabelle Boulay covers Bashung

2nd single from the upcoming Bashung-coveralbum. No video yet. Not sure what to think of this version. It’s less punching than the original version, but that understated arrangement does work. What do you think?


And yet another cool French synthipop duo, Dora & Jean-Baptiste. Four singles so far, this is their catchiest track:

Wendy Martinez

No video yet, but this is a very cool 60s-vibed song:

Beau Nectar

Beau Nectar (formerly Marie-Clo x éemi) is a collaboration between two Canadian bilingual singer-songwriters separated by kilometers of forests, rivers, mountains and prairies. Meaning, M-C is from Ontario, and éemi from Saskatchewan. Together, they deliver intimate, vibrant and surreal electronic pop with eco-feminist lyrics that spark their fans’ empathy towards nature.