Celine Mastrorelli
A favourite past time is to follow the progress of supersweet singer Celine Mastrorelli. She first popped up on our rader in 2008. Every now and then, there’s a new song on her YouTube-channel. Tracks from her upcoming album Elle était une fois. Good songs, sexy songs, husky songs. With Gainsbourgian influences (I mean, watch this!) This week, Robe de Cocktail (video) is out as a single. FS-reader Gary (who keeps track of CM’s activities even more than I do) compared it to “early Loane”, which is apt. Album’s out 21 September. Something to look forward to. Very much. In the meantime, keep us up to date, Celine. Please.
Celine Mastrorelli – Robe de cocktail
Un petit bout de fille qui en veut !
C’est toujours un plaisir d’écouter et voir Céline Mastrorelli lors de ses enregistrements sur youtube.
Un album à écouter sans modération !
You make me sound like a Cyber Stalker 🙂 Really looking forward to the album. There has been a lot of teasers and promises for a long time.