
So, Flore Benguigui has said goodbye to L’Imperatrice, and this Insta-post suggests that the split wasn’t that amicable. No time to mourn, ’cause the band announced a new leadsinger, Louve. We posted a few Louve-singles already on this blog, and she just released the midtempo funk 10X this week. Not unlike the slinky, husky sound of L’Imperatrice, you can see why they’re a good match. Let’s see what happens.


October’s approaching, but Louve takes us back to hot summernights, with this sultry track:


Very clever, sexy pop. Louve’s been making records since 2021, with help from Kid Francescoli, Dani Terreur and others. One to watch:


Two great looking gals singing petites chansons méchantes, an apt description of Sylvie Hoarau and Aurelie Maggiori, aka Brigitte. Posted about ‘m before (in 2008 and 2009), recently their first EP dropped featuring an NTM cover, the funky La vengeance d’un louve (see video here) and my fave, Battez-vous. Love the bassline in this track. As you may have read in earlier posts, the Brigittes are experienced, they recorded alone (Aurelie, as Mayane) and with a band (Sylvie, with Vendetta). Looking forward to a full album.
Brigitte – Battez-vous