Never knew that ‘Quiterie’ was a common first name, I thought it was a play on ‘quitting’ or something. But researching Quiterie Goineau’s musical output, I found out that there are more Quiterie’s out there. But let’s focus on Goineau, who made an EP in 2022 with English and French songs, and has a new single out with a pulsating beat, angelic choir singing and her young, yet commandeering voice. Les Anges Fredonnait (The Humming Angels) is a short song, that leaves you wanting more. On her Instagram, she posted a clip of her dad, driving a red sports car. And she adds: ‘Je t’aime pour l’éternité mon ange’, which probably means that this track is an ode to her dad, and very emotional to sing.

Quiterie and her musical companion Matthieu Perrin are inspired (according to this playlist) by Lana del Rey, Beach House and Christine & the Queens, which is nice.

Written by guuzbourg

French girls, singing. No, sighing. Making me sigh. Ah.