An angelic female voice duetting with a male gravel-gargeler (if that’s a word) – ever since Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra set the standard for this musical template, our world has been enriched by tracks from Serge & Jane, Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan, Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue and countless gothic metal bands. Canadian singer-songwriter Zane, who sounds a lot like Lanegan, teamed up with the lovely miss Rosie Komadina, who calls herself a Croatian gypsy and producer on Twitter, to sing a part English, part French track that’s best summed up in these lines: ‘My mama said if you roll with the gamblers you’ll pay their debts/And sometimes you’ll run into black cats and a few regrets.’ Listen to it on their Bandcamp page (link below). By the way, if you’re into Lee Hazlewood, check out the superbe re-issue of his duets with (among others) Ann-Margret on Light In The Attic, here.

Written by guuzbourg

French girls, singing. No, sighing. Making me sigh. Ah.

This article has 3 comments

  1. Sky

    Gravedigger’s Song

    tout est noir, mon amour
    tout est blanc
    je t’aime, mon amour
    comme j’aime la nuit

    See ya, S.

  2. Anna

    Neat. I still haven’t gotten over Lanegan singing in French(a few phrases only)on his new album.