FS Rerun: Sophie Auster

Another repost of a great song that graced this blog over de past 5 years.

Yep, that’s her: Sophie Auster, the very good looking daughter of writer Paul Auster. He got his fame from novels like Oracle Night, and screenplays for the Brooklyn-hailing movies Blue in the Face and Smoke (William Hurt plays Auster). Her dad is convinced she’s hugely talented (she followed acting and singing lessons at Lee Strasberg Institute, and played in movies like She’s Loves Me) so her got her in contact with musicians of the band One Ring Zero, who set music to lyrics by Sophie, and poems by French poets – translated by Paul. Ambitious yes, but executed stylish. Fall 2005, the debut album by Sophie (titelless) was released. One poem was kept French, Le Pont Mirabeau by G. Appolinaire. French paper Libération wrote that Sophie’s adaptation was better than Leo Ferré’s. Sophie is working on a new album. Listen to new songs here.

Sophie Auster – Le Pont Mirabeau