Coeur de Pirate (some more)

Dear Béatrice not only made a great second album, she’s spoiling the fans with extra tracks and collaborations. Out since today is her version of White Christmas (in French) as a guestvocalist of Michel Legrands Christmas-album. Sweeping! By the way, if you like heavily tattood, husky singing Canadian females, head over to Christmas-a-gogo and pick up a fuzzy seasonal song by Jody Glenham. Furthermore, I discovered that CdP sang a cover of Buddy Holly’s Everyday for a Canadian Activia-ad. Downloadable for free via Facebook, but I’ve made it easier. And finally a gorgeous bonustrack off of the Blonde-album, in which she namechecks Serge and Jane.

Coeur de Pirate – Everyday
Michel Legrand & Coeur de Pirate – Noel blanc
Coeur de Pirate – Prince-Arthur

Carla Bruni

French music giant Michel Legrand made a Christmas-album, with featured guests like Jamie Cullum, Mika and Carla Bruni. It’s released in two versions, one with the best-known international stars (Iggy Pop too), one with more French singers, like Olivia Ruiz and Coeur de Pirate. Shame. The track with Carla Bruni isn’t the stand-out song on the album, yet it will gather the most attention I guess. So here it is. The orchestra sounds great, Carla should refrain from trying to sing – her whisper is good enough. For me, at least. The song by the way is a cover of a seasonal track by Michel Fugain from 1975.

Carla Bruni & Michel Legrand – Jolis sapins

Coeur de Pirate playing Golden Baby

A track from the upcoming album, live in the studio:

In other news: Beatrice/CdP’s singing a track (along with Carla Bruni, Emilie Simon, Olivia Ruiz and Jamie Cullum) on the Christmas-album by Michel Legrand. See full tracklist here