Marianne Dissard

We @ FillesSourires love Marianne Dissard deeply. So when the guys of SoFar filmed her new single live in Brighton and asked us if we’d like the world premiere, we acted quickly. So here’tis, in all it’s rugged live-ness (if that’s an expression):

Marianne Dissard covers Hardy

Wes Anderson’s use of Françoise Hardy’s ‘Le temps de l’amour’ has been mentioned several times on this blog (Here, Here). For a tribute album to Anderson’s movies and the music in those movies, Marianne Dissard did a great coverversion of Le temps.

More about the tribute album, featuring tracks by Mike Watt, Juliana Hatfield, William Fitzsimmons and Kristin Hersh, HERE, listen to the full album on Soundcloud HERE


Some filles take long times between albums. Not our Fredda. She is very dedicated when it comes to new albums. Almost every year she serves us with a new one. In 2007 she released “Toutes mes aventures” and in 2009 “Marshmallow Paradise“.
There were also two sixties cocktail albums as Radiomatic together with Pascale Parisot, in 2006 and 2010).
and now there is “L’Ancolie” (Columbine in English). I haven’t heard or read much about it and that is a pity, to be honest. Because it is a wonderful, melancholic  album. On this new album she works closely together with Pascale Parisot, Bastien Lallemant and Filles Sourires’ own Marianne Dissard.
Here is the video of the title track “l’Ancolie“. This is the video for “Il ne me reste”.
On the albumm there are two songs co-written by Marianne: “Journal Intime” and the first track of the album “Morin Heights”. Since that is an ode to the place where the album is conceived I’ll bring it to you here:

Fredda – Morin Heights

Marianne Dissard

She’s in Europe again, our beloved husky Tucsonian seductress Marianne, performing for crowds in Lyon, France and more in Germany (*sobs*). But she’s bringing a touring cd, that you can also download via her Bandcamp (here). You only see two tracks, but there’s more. Way more. A duet you can’t afford to miss, with ‘a Belgian friend’ with a very distinct singing voice (*cough*), there’s a remix (listen here!), there are several beautiful versions of great MD-tracks like Cayenne and Fugu, and, well, it’s Marianne, so what else do you need to know? Go see her if you’re in Germany, kiss her from us, and say we’re very much looking forward to her collab with an Italian composer.
And because Marianne loves us back, here’s a free download of Fondre, from her Berlin Takes touring cd.

Marianne Dissard – Fondre

Marianne Dissard in China

The lovely Marianne Dissard went to China to play and to record, and she wrote a nice diary about her journey. Below’s an excerpt. Read the whole thing here.

September 19th – We fly back to Beijing. The taxi drops me at my hostel. I am on my own again. I came to China with a mandate to record an album, “Beijing Three Takes”. I raised a bit of money from my friends, promising a collaboration with Chinese musicians on this third installement of the ‘City albums’ series that I’ve been recording while on tour.  But, truth be told, I don’t know who I might be able to record with or even what. But I’ve been thinking and listening to and observing the Chinese bands I met at the Black Rabbit Festival. Today, I know. I make the decision that this album will be different from “Paris One Takes’, different from “Berlin Two Takes”. And this is how I will proceed for the next eleven days : I borrow a Sony Zoom handheld recorder and set out to record the sounds of Beijing. Then, when I have edited and shaped this audioscape, I will ask Hanggai – at this point, you’ve figured out I have a musical crush on them, no? – to create the soundtrack to this movie-without-images. I’ll incorporate some of the writings I’ve done in the Transsiberian, first sketches of future songs. In the evening, I go to my usual hang, YugongYishan, to hear Huun Huur Tu and my friend Song Yuzhe’s band, Dawanggang. The place is packed.

Listen to Marianne’s music played on the streets in Beijing HERE

For French radio, Marianne recorded a track, Fugu. Download from HERE



Le Pop 6

Though Messieurs Oliver Fröschke and Rolf Witteler operate from Cologne’s Quartier Belge, they have an avid schtick for music from France. True heroes, the German slacker impresarios were among the very first to discover the charm of the Nouvelle Scène Francaise in 2002 – the first Le Pop compilation (featuring Burgalat, Keren Ann and Benjamin B.) was nothing less than a revelation and sold a felt one million copies in my neighborhood. Eight years and four follow-ups later, Le Pop 6 maybe doesn’t contain the same sense of wonder, but a bag of goodies all the way, featuring premier stuff like Tom Poisson’s countryfied „Trapéziste“, Marianne Dissard’s slowly building groove-fest „The One and Only“, and my favorite, Toma’s „Je bois la mer“, a solemn recapturing of old school electronica, and a splendid love song.

Toma – Je bois la mer

Marianne & Francoiz take America

In October, Marianne Dissard and Françoiz Breut toured the US of A together. Eleven days, eleven shows, 3489 miles. That’s a roundtrip Paris-Moscow! Especially for FillesSourires, the girls kept a diary. It’s star-studded, it’s funny, it’s girly, it’s a good read.

Jour 1 – Bruxelles to Tucson
Françoiz : I don’t really feel like landing and having to go through the impressive border checkpoint. In Chicago, a charming border agent, a sort of Mickey Rourke (is his hair greased back or just greasy?), asks me why I’m coming to the USA and what my job is in Bruxelles. I shake and say I am an illustrator. Now, onward to Phoenix, a city of suburbs that extend straight into the surrounding desert, houses that spring out of the ground like weeds.

21H30 : Marianne and Shana – a cute blond – come to pick us up, Stéphane (my guitarist) and me at the bus shuttle in Tucson. Marianne plays tonight at Plush, with her young musicians, including Sergio, who had played with me when I was last in Tucson. The bar is quiet. Marianne softly sings with her big glasses, anchored to her mike. We meet up with our road companions, Antoine and Christophe, last seen at the Bruxelles airport. They’re here to film our tour, beginning tomorrow.

Jour 2 – Tucson to San Diego

Françoiz : Early rise; I don’t quite realize yet that we’re playing in San Diego tonight. Marianne has found us a drummer, Jonathan Richman’s drummer. I’ve been a fan of Jonathan for a long time. We used to cover one of his songs in Les Squads Femelle, my first band. It’s always strange to play a show with someone you’ve never met before but apparently, that’s the American way. Now, we have to go get a guitar we’re borrowing from Al Perry, after having breakfast at Hotel Congress. Howe Gelb drops by to say hello before leaving for a show in Europe. We go pick up Tommy Larkins (the one who plays drums, sitting on a tree branch in There’s Something About Mary, next to Jonathan Richman). He walks out of his house and into our tour van with a glass and bottle of white wine. It’s barely 1pm; I guess you wake up as you can.

The van is too big, our heavy heads roll around. We get stopped at the California border: “No fruits with you?” No fruits, no problem. We arrive, after a few stops in the desert, on Paloma Road. What a nice name! I’ve never put myself in an oven: that’s how it feels like when we step out of the van. Los Angeles reached 45 degrees today, the highest temperature ever recorded at this time of the year since temperatures have started to be recorded in 1887!

Marianne : I’m drifting, head in the clouds. I’ve managed to sneak on the CD of my musical obsession of the moment, A Sufi And A Killer by Gonjasufi. Sand dunes, then we cross the Arizona/California border. The sun is setting, grey-pink. All is hallucinating around us, in my head. Hallucinating, the arrangements of Gaslamp Killer on that album. Hallucinating, the temperature outside the van. Hallucinating, these people around me who joke in French. Hallucinating, that coïncidence, a tweet from Gonjasufi who writes that he’ll try coming to our show in LA. I’m all excited about if for miles!

Read the rest of the tour diary HERE. A tourvideo is up on Marianne’s Facebook, HERE.

Marianne has a new album coming out next year. See a teaser video HERE.