Guestpost! David on Amandine Maissiat and her former band, Subway.
Sometimes it’s just a bit of luck. Going through a bunch of older CD’s in the music bins, I came across “L’Intranquille” by Subway. I couldn’t find much on the group initially (it didn’t help that several groups have the same name), but eventually found a couple of videos (Paris, Nos Nuits d’Opaline), and after giving them a listen went and bought the album…
Pretty girl, strong guitar, strong voice, with a bit of an edge…there’s never enough of that. In the comments, Amandine Maissiat was mentioned (yep, it’s her), which led me to the video (whoa) that sounded so familiar, the one posted here back in January.
So, it turns out after making “L’Intraquille” Amandine and Subway parted ways. A pity. Here’s an interview where Amandine discusses the reasons why. Subway originally was formed by four friends, all the way back in 1991, eventually putting out a first album, Rien ne se voit in 2003. The instrumentals in “L’Intranquille” are strong so I will probably seek out their first CD eventually. According to this, the group has finally called it quits this year.
Amandine plays on, with her EP “Maissiat” released early this year, also well worth it as you might guess from the video.
Here are two of my favorites from “L’Intraquille”.
Subway – Ces Mots Là
Subway – Sauvez-moi