Josianne Paradis

Apparently it’s been a while since this Blog heard from Josianne Paradis (I had to dig deep into the vaults as far back as 2008!), but the talented Quebec singer-songwriter is back with a brand new EP “De Lorimier.”

Comprising four slices of perfect contemporary adult-pop of distinctly varying styles and moods, the EP opens with the bitter-sweet “Je cherche les mots” – a sad, heart-breaking song that’s all about trying to break-up, yet failing to find the right words – the clarity of Josianne’s always tender, warming vocal delivery adds further poignancy. In a similar vein, “Janvier” is another sombre, plaintive number; The bitterly cold wind of the song whistling down the Avenue De Lorimier (after which the EP is named), acting as a metaphor for a rapidly chilling romance, is arguably the strongest track here.

But as hinted, it’s not all heartbreak and sorrow. “Monsieur Stock” and “Au coeur de toi” offer a complete change of emotions and momentum. The former is everything you want from a memorable stuck-in your head pop tune; all bouncy and up-tempo, punchy lyrics, all wrapped by – shall we just say quelle voix. The latter is light, frothy, an unashamed love song – sweet yet never sickly.

It’d been a long while since Josianne’s last record (2010’s “Nouveautés”), but on the evidence of this EP, well worth the wait…