It is a holiday time in France too. Last week I wrote about the amount of tributes that appeared and someone pointed me another one that recently came in the shops: “Brassens Chanté Par…”. Songs of the legendary Georges Brassens sung by others. On this album popular bands like “Debout Sur Le Zinc” and “Les Ogres De Barback”, but also Aldebert and as the only fille Agnès Bihl. She sings one song on her own and one “duo” avec Aldebert, with whom she worked before. Most songs on the album are done with a folky gypsy-esque sound (think manouche guitare style, think Thomas Dutronc). Best song is the lovely “La Cane De Jeanne” The Weepers, but we offer you Agnès Bihl solo.
Agnès Bihl – La Chasse Aux Papillons