CaOFq-1W0AA6XM5One more thing: the Dutch term ‘Zuchtmeisjes’ was coined on this blog, for it was a perfect description for the girls who rocked Filles Sourires: girls who sang ‘n sighed, girls who, if you saw them, made you sigh (out of content).
For I made a Spotify- and Deezer-playlist with 27 tracks by girls who meant a lot to me, over the years. Girls that were featured many times, that I saw in person, that I spoke to in person (like Charlotte Gainsbourg, Carla Bruni, Marianne Dissard, Iris from Peppermoon, Coralie Clement, etc).
Find it HERE

Written by guuzbourg

French girls, singing. No, sighing. Making me sigh. Ah.

This article has 2 comments

  1. Dave

    Guuz, was away on the other side of the world at the time your blog ended and found I couldn’t add a few words or a song mention as you requested, so glad for this one last post… So many songs. While crafting a top ten of all of those found by frequenting seems a difficult task, I can put at the top of my list Karin Clercq’s “Je suis à toi”. You have my gratitude and my respect – a very nice run with Filles Sourires. Thank you. Dave

  2. SteveinSoCal

    More power to your musical elbow. Indeed I’m not sure what I’m more jealous of. The fact that you’ve crafted such a perfect playlist or that you’ve seen them all…