In 2010, Jean Ferrat, aka The Red Bard, passed away. Last week, Des Airs de Liberté was released, a tribute of his songs by artists like Raphaël, Sanseverino and Natasha St. Pier. First single is Aimer a perdre la raison by Dionysos, featuring (of course) Babet. See that single here:

As is often the case with these kind of tributes, it’s a hit or miss affair. Nice versions by Raphael, Julien Doré, Dionysos, rather dull covers by Marc Lavoine, Gregoire and St Pier. Also on this compilation, the duet by Catherine Deneuve and Benjamin Biolay, that was used earlier in the movie Potiche:

Five years ago, Sky wrote this obituary for Ferrat.

Written by guuzbourg

French girls, singing. No, sighing. Making me sigh. Ah.