This track sounds like an Elli & Jacno cover, it may even be one without me recognising. Anyhoo, DyE is the nom de plume of French producer Juan de Guillebon, who gained notoriety via this extreme video of his track Fantasy. 47 million views, and counting. The new album Cocktail Citron is out on the hip Parisian label Tigersushi. DyE stands for neon-coloured neo-disco – if you’re into Erol Alkan, Joakim, Egyptian Lover (he’s on the new album as well), this is your thing. The title track is sung by one Angie David (this girl?), a song that makes you want to year a hot pink bikini and make l’amour a la plage. Read more here.

Written by guuzbourg

French girls, singing. No, sighing. Making me sigh. Ah.