10 Sexiest Women in French Music Today (8)
This blog is a mutual appreciation society. All the lovers of soft sighing, husky-voiced, French singing girls from the past and the present come together to show their love. We’re counting down our first (and maybe annual) top ten of Sexiest Woman in French Music Today.
8. Vanessa Contenay-Quinones
Maybe you think that Vanessa (who recorded earlier as Espiritu, and with her band The O’s) shamelessly adds up all the pouting platinum-blonde bombshell clichés. That her music is no more then a pastiche of lust-injected Brigitte Bardot- and Gillian Hills-hits. Then you obviously never saw her dj, or play live. V, as her fans refer to her, outsmarts you easily with her in-depth knowledge of (French) 60s pop (become her Facebook-friend, and you’ll see). She’s really into this music. And if you, like a few members of the Voting Committee did, saw her up close in a very tight, very red dress and very high heels, then you know that a description like ‘the sweet seduction on high heels with the beautiful, sultry voice and misty eyes’ is more than apt. This woman was créa by the Dieu of Cool.
Vanessa & the O’s – Charlie Charlie
NOW we’re talking boys!
And steveinsocal maybe missed hearing ‘C’est Magnifique’ and ‘Oddyssee’ from said ‘Allez Pop’ album, inspired by Quiet Days In Clichy i read someplace. Check out the words……
You know I’d completely left Vanessa off of my list, primarily because “Allez Pop” was – let’s face it – “Meh”, but hopefully the new album is a return to form.
Lovely Vanessa.
See the post on Mme 19, Gary.
Voting committee???????????????
But I’m sure they know what they’re doing!